This project takes its inspiration from Octavia’s Brood, a short story anthology which explores the connections between radical speculative fiction and movements for social change. We commissioned three playwrights (M Sloth Levine, Jaymes Sanchez, and Phaedra Michelle Scott) to each write a 30-minute play of visionary fiction that confronts urgent issues of our time. Each writer was then paired with an activist whose work intersects with the play's subject matter. These writer/activist teams collaborated with a dramaturg (Tatiana Godfrey) and I to create work that is visionary in its approach while also grounded in contemporary activist thought.

  • Gender Experience TM by M Sloth Levine,  presents a future in which the definition of gender has expanded beyond our current understanding and can be made manifest through a new technology. What would you do if there were no limitations on your gender experience?

  • Beyond Reform, by Jaymes Sanchez, highlights concepts from the prison abolition movement and how they might exist within a not too distant future.

  • In Unity, by Phaedra Michelle Scott, the people of an overcrowded, ever-warming Earth have begun to explore new worlds in the hopes of finding a new place for humanity to thrive, even a the expense of alien populations.

In Spring 2021, I directed full productions of Gender Experience TM by M Sloth Levine and Unity by Phaedra Michelle Scott and a workshop presentation of Beyond Reform by Jaymes Sanchez as my MFA Directing thesis at UMass Amherst.

Visionary Futures: Science Fiction Theatre for Social Justice Movements

  • Gender Experience TM by M Sloth Levine

  • Beyond Reform by Jaymes Sanchez

  • Unity by Phaedra Michelle Scott

Gender Experience TM by M Sloth Levine

Featuring Jackie Chylinski, Carolyn Parker-Fairbain, and Darrow Sherman

Unity by Phaedra Michelle Scott

Companion - Darrow Sherman
Noe - Mei MacQuarrie
Macaria - Carolyn Parker-Fairbain

Beyond Reform by Jaymes Sanchez

Jill/The Nice One - Mei MacQuarrie
Danielle - Carolyn Parker-Fairbain
The Cool One - Jackie Chylinski
Bo/The Jerkish One - Darrow Sherman

Creative Team

Dramaturg - Tatiana Godfrey
Streaming Producer - Leanna Keyes
Streaming Associate - Kyra Bowie
Costume Designer - Chenoa Albertson
Sound Designer - Josh Glenn-Kayden
Stage Manager - Becca Cottrell
Assistant Stage Managers - Olivia Darling & Sena Yacteen



