When a racist incident divides her first-year students, reluctant resident advisor Shelby finds herself in the middle of a conversation she does not want to have. As pressure to address the controversy mounts from residents, the new dean, and even her best friend, Shelby must decide if she will enter the fray or watch her community come apart at the seams.

Baltimore was a collaboration with the UMass Amherst Offices of Equity and Inclusion and Student Affairs and Campus Life

UMass Amherst, 2019


by Kirsten Greenidge


Shelby - Carolyn Parker-Fairbain
Dean Hernandez - Kent Alexander
Grace - Mei McQuarrie
Fiona - Emma Perakis
Bryant - Dylan Castro
Carson - Sebastian Salloum
Rachel - Jessica Maldonado
Leigh - Sabine Jacques
Alyssa - Taylor Mickens 

Production Team

Playwright - Kirsten Greenidge
Director - Josh Glenn-Kayden
Dramaturg - Shaila Schmidt
Scenic Designer - Sean Sanford
Costume Designer - Mikayla Reid
Lighting Designer - Sydney Becker
Sound Designer - Gabriel CiFuentes
Projection Designer - Devorah Kengmana
Voice and Speech Coach - Risher Reddick
Stage Manager - Rebecca Hetherson
Assistant Stage Manager - Becca Cottrell
Assistant Director & Assistant Projections - Afrikah Smith
Assistant Dramaturg - Liz Diamond


Visionary Futures: Science Fiction Theatre for Social Justice Movements


This Place/Displaced